New iFrame Malware Script

Hello guys, another one of the sites I manage has been infected and blocked by Google, here is the iFrame script that has the malicious virus in it just in case you guys have been attacked by the same person. <iframe src=??? width=183 height=129 style=???visibility: hidden???></iframe> Thank You, Gilberto Cortez

Simple JavaScript Image Gallery

Hello guys, I had to work on a website this weekend and I came up with an issue, I did not have any image JavaScript gallery that would just change the image and have a previous and next button. So I decided to create this. Here is a basic gallery, I have commented the script […]

Using Loops to Check for Empty Fields

I???ve been noticing lately how many student are creating multiple functions or if statements to do something that is possible in just a couple of lines, in this post I will try to explain how to use Arrays and Loops to validate a form, checking that it does not have any empty fields. First you […]

Creating Private Name Servers using Plesk

Have you ever wondered how the hosting companies are able to give you one name server of their own for all of your domains? By doing this they allow the client or the user to just be able to their domain registrar and submit that name server, instead of having the client register their own […]

Send Form Contents to E-Mail

I took the time to do this post because I see a lot of students looking everywhere for a PHP E-Mail script, so here it is: //Created byξGilbertoξCortez |ξ //Variables $form = ???Contact Us???;//Form Name //Inputs From Form $name = $_POST[‘name’]; $email = $_POST[’email’]; $phone = $_POST[‘phone’]; $city = $_POST[‘city’]; $comments = $_POST[‘comments’]; //E-Mail Headers […]

Resize iFrame for 100% Height

Today I was asked to create an iFrame to set up a private reporting system. Well when I tried to make it 100% height, it will only go for about 200px and the rest of the screen will be blank. Well here is the solution for that problem: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ???-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN???ξ???> […]

MySQL Database Interaction PHP Class

There are many ways out there to connect to a database, but there is only a few of them that are effective. This is the MySQL object that I use to connect to a database via PHP. You will find this class to be simple but very effective as it’s not overfilled, but it only […]

Display your last Tweet from

Are you a big Twitter user, and would like to integrate your account into your site? Here is the code to display your last Tweet using the .xml file that is provided by Twitter. There is only one thing that needs to be changed out. which is the XML file address, you need to input […]

Simple jQuery Slider

There are many jQuery sliders in the internet but many of them are really hard toξunderstand. This slider is very basic and very easy to change to your specs. Just change the fade effect to the one of your preference and you are set. You can find more information about the different functions at the […]

Going Black Against SOPA / PIPA

I will be going black onξWednesdayξJanuary 18, 2012 to protest theξStop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA). Along with other sites, my complete website / blog will be temporarily shut down with a 503 HTTP Status code to let the search engines know that the site will be back. I will […]


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